Fldigi Users Manual  4.2.00
Delayed Execution Macro Tags

The following macro tags will be parsed and qued for action after fldigi returns to the receive mode, i.e. after the <RX> tag (^r) is executed.

Tag Description
<@MODEM: , ... > Change to specified modem with parameters
<@RIGCAT:hex hex:retnbr> RigCAT user commands
<@RIGCAT:"string":retnbr> hex hex ... are sequential hexadecimal values
string is Ascii char sequence retnbr
is number of bytes in xcvr response ':retnbr'
is optional; retnbr set to 0 if missing
<@GOHOME> return waterfall cursor to sweet spot
<@GOFREQ:NNNN> move waterfall cursor to freq NNNN Hz
<@RIGMODE:mode> send CAT command to transceiver to change to a valid mode
<@FILWID:width> send CAT command to transceiver to change to a valid filter
width example to QSY to sweetspot (center of bandpass filter) and select
narrow filter
<@TXRSID:on|off|t> transmit RSID on, off, toggle

<@PUSH:m|f> | Push (save) current mode(m), freq(f) for later retrieval <@PUSH> | Push both mode and freq for later retrieval <@POP> | Pop (restore) pushed mode and/or freq

Note that each of these tags is identical to their immediate mode counterparts. The exception is the addition of the @ symbol following the leading '<'. The use of these tags is best explained by example.

Check in to a net with video ID

  • TxRSID is disabled before any other action
  • modem is changed to NULL to prevent anything but VIDEO transmission
  • Audio carrier is changed to 2200 Hertz
  • The callsign K7KY is transmitted as video text at 2200 Hertz
  • Return to receive
  • Waterfall carrier is set to 1200 Hertz
  • Modem is changed to MFSK-32
  • TxRSID is enabled

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